What We Do

  • Many children entering foster care come with a few belongings, if any. Foster Love Bell County hopes to alleviate some of these emergent needs for foster or kinship families with our Love Closet. This closet holds items such as diapers, wipes, PJs, lice kits, toiletry items and more. We hope these items will help in the transition of the children in crisis and those caring for them.

    Would you like to donate items or host a drive? Here is a list of the items we stock.

    Here is our Amazon Wish List.

  • This property, conveniently located near the Belton courthouse and several other partner organizations, is a multi-resource facility that contains conference spaces, shower facilities, a resource closet, play room, sensory room (Evan’s Nook), kitchen, laundry room, and two bedrooms. The goal of the house is to provide and meet the vital needs of families and children coming into care by providing a fun, safe, and comfortable environment in the middle of what can be such a traumatic time in their lives.

    To see inside check out our video here.

  • Foster parents often struggle to find reliable and qualified babysitters, which frequently results in burn out. Foster Love is partnering with Child Placement Agencies to change this reality.

    If you’re ready to get certified, click here. If you have any questions, reach out to Mary and she would be glad to help!

  • Celebration Box is a great way to celebrate big events in a foster child’s life, including birthdays, adoptions, graduations, and reunifications. Each box will have different themes and will have everything you would need to have an awesome party! Once we get the customized request, we reach out to the community on our Facebook Celebration Page to get gifts.

    If you would like to request at Celebration Box for a child, click here.

    If you would like to join our Celebration Page on Facebook, click here.

  • The Goodness Project is a program that helps so many in the foster community. Each season we are reaching hundreds of kids with Goodness Bags that have anything from a warm winter coat in the Fall to a fresh swimsuit and sunscreen in the Spring.

    We will post links for Goodness Projects on Facebook or Instagram.

  • The FLBC Swap Page on Facebook helps connect the foster community with people wanting to donate gently used items to those who need them. It is also a place where resources are shared and conversations about fostering are had. Many times brand new foster parents will post to this page looking for items to get started out. This page is moderated with rules and items are never posted for sale.

    To join the FLBC Swap Page, click here.

  • Prayer matters. Join our prayer group on the GroupMe app to help connect us all in prayer for the children, foster families, kinship families, bio families, adoptive families, caseworkers, child placement agencies, certified caregivers and the many other people who serve in the foster system. Here we can lift these kids, families and professionals up asking God to intercede on their behalf and do what only He can do to restore and renew them on their journeys.

    To submit a prayer request: email prayerrequest@fosterlovebellcounty.org

    To join Foster Love Prays Group Me, click here.

  • Foster Love Bell County desires to recognize those in the community who are making an impact in the foster care system. We love to include the community in nominating and acknowledging these outstanding individuals! If you would like to nominate someone who is changing the lives of foster children, please fill out this form. Nominations will be reviewed at our monthly board meeting for one to be selected as the recipient for the award. You will be notified if yours is selected!

    If you would like to nominate someone for a Love Award, click here.

  • This event began as Caseworker Appreciation Week and now includes caseworkers, child placement agencies, guardian and attorney ad litems, local judges, court appointed special advocates, the child advocacy center, and foster parents.

  • Foster Love Bell County hosts many events throughout the year such as our Haircare Clinic, Foster Interest Meetings, Adoption Match Parties, Foster Fest, and more.

    To get more information on upcoming events join us on Facebook and Instagram. See our calendar of upcoming events below!