
This tab is specifically designed for CPS, CASA, Ad Litems and CPAs, as well as foster/kinship families, to put in requests for our services.

  • The Foster Love house meets many immediate needs through the Love Closet. The Love Closet contains items such as diapers, pull-ups, wipes, toiletries, household safety items, weighted blankets and many more. We can tailor these bags based on need. Click on the form below for a full listing of available items.

    Love Closet requests are currently open to Bell and Coryell county agencies and foster parents, including kinship and fictive. Verification may be required. Requests are filled on a first come, first served basis as supplies may be limited. To submit a Love Closet request, click here. Please complete a separate form for each child.

  • Agencies and foster families can request a Celebration Box for birthdays, graduations, adoptions, and reunifications. Once you have put in the request for a Celebration Box, we will work on personalizing it and requesting gifts from within our community.

    If you would like to request a Celebration Box, click here. We currently accept 20 requests per month and ask that submissions are made 7 days in advance. Thank you!

  • This form is necessary for CPS caseworkers to use when checking a child in and out of the Foster Love House.

    To complete the registration form, click here.

  • This form is to be used to request a gift card for children that have come into foster care, but do not have a foster placement commonly referred to as CWOP. This gift card would be used for immediate needs like clothing and shoes. If the request falls outside of those guidelines, please note the reason in the form. We have a limited supply and funds may not be available.

    To request a gift card, click here. This is for agency use only, please.

  • We would love to come speak to your church, business, or organization! Reach out to us using our registration form and we can work out the details together.